HYOGO PREFECTURAL ONO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLOno Senior High SchoolStudent Exchange ProgramFour CoursesClub ActivitiesSchedule

One-Year School Schedule

1st Term: April 8 - July 20
2nd Term: September 1 - December 24
3rd Term: January 8 - March 23
(Dates are subject to minor change, depending on holiday patterns of a given year.)

1st Term

The school year begins with cherry blossoms and the opening ceremony.
Second and third year students are placed into new classes and meet new friends
and teachers. On the next day the entrance ceremony is held
to welcome incoming students. A one-day picnic,
staged under the spring sunshine, is an enjoyable annual event in
which all Ono students participate. It provides them with a chance to be closer
to each other through talks en route and through recreation in the spot they visit.

one-day picnic

 The Orientation Camp is for the freshmen.
They will learn about the school rules and study skills,
strengthen their determination to work hard, and get better acquainted with each other.
The cultural festival is one of the biggest and most memorable occasions
for many Ono students. Those who belong to culture clubs take this opportunity
to show what they have worked on by performing their skills or displaying their works.
Each class entertains others by displaying something of their interest,
performing a show or a drama, or opening a temporary shop.


cultural festival

Soon after golden week in the fresh green season, there are the mid-term tests,
the first ones of a series of regular tests throughout the year.

June is the month when, besides other events and activities,
the election for the members of the student council takes place.

Soon after July starts, the term-end tests are given. When they are over,
the students enjoy sports days, relieved for the moment from daily studies.
The 1st term ends with the closing ceremony, after which comes summer vacation.

sports day

Even during the summer holidays, several programs
of the school initiative are carried out. Among them are supplementary lessons,
Internship (hands-on experience working at companies for a short while),
and Open High School (having junior high school students and their parents as visitors).
This is also the month when some students go to Australia-once every two years-
in the student exchange program.

2nd Term

The opening ceremony precedes plentiful activities in the second-term.
The Sports Festival, a highly animated event equaled only by the Cultural Festival,
is the occasion on which all of the students are excited to compete in dashes,
races or games. This athletic meet also seems to be exciting to Australian students
who visit our school at this time every other year in the exchange program.


sports festival


There are a few days of mid-term tests and one day
of a cultural event such as a concert, a musical, or a traditional Japanese drama.

Ono High has Open High School for the second time.
It also has cultural days when culture clubs are given the chance to demonstrate
the achievement of their daily activities on a smaller scale than the cultural festival.

The term-end tests and sports days are characteristic of this month quite like
many other schools. However, specific to this school are the presentation
of tasks (theme-research) by the students of both the commerce course
and the international economics course. Having completed these activities,
the school observes the closing ceremony, which signals the start of winter vacation .

sports day

3rd Term

Having taken a rest over the year-end and the new-year holidays, the students assemble at school again
for the opening ceremony. January is the month when some of the third-year students busy themselves
with the Center Test (preliminary university entrance examinations), and all of them with the final tests
at Ono High.

In this coldest month, the second graders take the school excursion. Soon after that, Ono High gives
recommendation-based entrance examinations for the commerce course, international economics course,
and comprehensive science course to junior high school students. This is followed by the final event at
Ono for the third-years, the graduation ceremony.

In March there are final tests for the first and second graders. Conducted afterward is the chorus contest
where each class vies for prizes. Then our high school has entrance examinations for the general course
to admit junior high school students. After announcing successful candidates and getting through the
presentation of exploring by the students of comprehensive science course, we will put the finishing
touches on the one-year schedule with the closing ceremony.

announcement of successful candidates

| Ono Senior High School | Student Exchange Program | Four Courses | Club Activities | Schedule |

E-mail ono-hs-ad@hyogo-c.ed.jp    518 Nishihonmach, Ono-shi, Hyogo-ken, 675-1375,JAPAN
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