





The emblem of Ono Senior High School is the combination of Tombo(the dragonfly) and the kanji character for the word High. The figure of Tombo is shaped out of the two Kanji characters included in Ono Middle School as the school was called in former days.It is also intended to embody the ancient name of Japan, Akitsushima or the Archipelago of Tombo. The entire symmetrical figure represents the educational goals that Ono High School tries to promote.It signifies peaceful unity, genuine impartiality, and the harmonious combination of wisdom, virtue, and physical strength. It is hoped that these ideals will nurture the students to overcome hardships and soar high into the bright future with unyielding spirits.  
(参考)日本の本州の古名で、 『日本書紀』に大日本豊秋津洲(おおやまととよあきつしま) 『古事記』には大倭豊秋津島(おおやまととよあきつしま)とあるようです。 日本神話において、 神武天皇が国土を一望して蜻蛉(とんぼ)のようだ(あきつのとなめせるがごとし) と言ったことから、由来とされているみたいです。 ※トンボは古来、日本では秋津(アキツ、アキヅ)と呼ばれ、親しまれてきたようです。



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